Roman bust of Hermarchus, c.2nd century AD
Greek head of a woman with diadem, South Italy, Medma, third quarter of the 5th century BC
Greek head of a man with headdress, South Italy, Tarentum, c.400 BC
Greek head of a banqueteer, South Italy, Tarentum, first half of the 4th century BC
Greek statuette of a nude torso, Smyrna, c.3rd century BC
Greek statuette of Aphrodite and Eros, Hellenistic, c.1st century AD
Greek funerary stele for Dorias daughter of Poseidonios, c.325-275 BC
Greek sculptural group of Pirithous and Theseus, South Italy, Tarentum, c.325-250 BC
Greek relief of the Icarius banquet, Hellenistic Period, c.2nd-1st century BC
Greek black-figure belly amphora with Herakles, Athens, c.530 BC, Antimenes Painter
Greek black-figure skyphos, Mid 6th century BC
Greek black-figure mastoid cup, Athens, c.490-470 BC, attributed to the workshop of the Haimon Painter
Greek black-figure kylix with ithyphallic guineafowl, Late 5th century BC
Greek red-figure kylix, Athens, c.480 BC, attributed to the Cage Painter (Dyfri Williams)
Greek red-figure lekythos, Athens, c.470-460 BC, attributed to Painter of London E342
Greek red-figure neck amphora, South Italy, Paestum, c.340-320 BC, Asteas-Python workshop
Two Greek white-ground lekythoi, Athens, c.450-430 BC, attributed to the Carlsberg Painter
Greek black-glaze lidded jug, Athens, mid 4th century BC
Greek white-ground oinochoe, Corinth, early 4th century BC
Greek black-glaze pyxis, South Italy, Campania, Teano Ware, c.330-300 BC
Greek 'plate' fibula, Geometric Period, Peloponnese, 8th century BC
Greek statuette of a youth, Thessaly, c.420 BC
Greek hydria appliqué, c.4th century BC
Hellenistic male head, c.2nd-1st century BC
Greek mask of Pan, Hellenistic, c.3rd-1st century BC
Roman statuette of Juno, c.1st century AD
Roman balsamarium, Possibly Egypt, c.2nd century AD
Roman fragment of a janiform herm, c.1st century AD
Roman Tyche of Antioch, c.1st century AD
Roman female portrait head, c.1st-2nd century AD
Roman head of Hercules, c.2nd century AD
Roman fragment with the head of a man, c.2nd century AD