Wearing a short wig with stippled surface, the figure stands on a small trapezoidal base, feet together, wearing a close- fitting, ankle-length garment. Her left arm is held to her side with her right, bent at the elbow, holding a 'renpet' palm branch with appended tadpole, a combination meaning '100,000 years'. A tang underneath to attach the statuette to a base, now missing. Extremely rare. Intact, the surface with a red and green patina.
Mr G.H., England, UK; acquired 1980sLiterature
For the interpretation of Seshet's attributes see George Hart, A Dictionary of Egyptian Gods and Goddesses (London, 1986), p.193Publications
Hermann A. Schlögl and Regine Buxtorf, ‘Eine außergewöhnliche Bronzefigur der Göttin Seschat’, Sokar: Geschichte & Archäologie Altägyptens, no.30 (Berlin, 2015), p.91-93, dated as New Kingdom