Egyptian panel portrait of a young woman
er-Rubayat, Fayum, Roman-Egyptian Period, 1st half of the 2nd century AD
Wood and tempera
Height 33.5 cm, width 14 cm
An exceptionally well preserved example. A small section missing at the bottom right corner, a central crack with minor restoration.
Collection Theodor Graf (1840-1903), Vienna
Irene Heintschel-Heinegg; acquired 1925-1930, thence by descent
Paul Buberl, Die Griechisch-Ägyptischen Mumienbildnisse der Sammlung Th. Graf, (Vienna, 1922), p. 52, no. 11
Klaus Parlasca, Repertorio d'arte dell' Egitto Greco-Romano, Series B, Vol. I (Palermo, 1969), N. 84, fig. 3
Compare Edna R. Russmann, Eternal Egypt: Masterworks of Ancient Art from the British Museum (London, 2001), p. 209, no. 109